The Need

The Episcopal Presence in Willow Glen
For the past 75 years, this church has welcomed generations of families and friends to the corner of Pine and Newport Avenues— to be inspired, comforted, enlightened and strengthened in Christ.

Generations have been called to meet the demands of what it means to be a Christian witness in this place. Listening to the Spirit once more, we have engaged the congregation in conversation and examined what repairs and renovations our facility needs to take us through the next 75 years. In doing this, the members of St. Francis Episcopal Church have had the opportunity to express a shared vision for renovating our buildings and making our church and bathrooms more accessible.

Considering all of your input over the last 18 months, the vestry is moving forward with several projects, through The Next 75 Years capital campaign. Our generation now stands at the threshold of a new era: we see clearly what we must do—improve and create—as we plan for and welcome the next generation to St. Francis.

We are a welcoming and inclusive community.

To meet this objective, we will make the church and the church restrooms accessible for all members and guests. In the chancel area, the plans include a ramp for easy access, and there will be added seating space for wheelchairs in the church. In addition, the restrooms will be enlarged in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). These changes will improve accessibility for those with restricted mobility, ensuring that all who enter here are able to navigate comfortably throughout the church.

Infrastructure Renovation & Improvement
We serve Christ by serving others.

Over the last 75 years our predecessors built a wonderful facility and created a vibrant church community. We honor this legacy by continuing to grow the community. However, after 75 years of constant use, the infrastructure of much of our campus has nearly depleted its useful life. We have inadequate air circulation and lighting to provide a healthy worship environment in the church. In addition, the electrical supply in the church is outdated and needs replacing. Continued use of the current electrical system is a clear fire hazard.

Because of the drought, the roots of our lovely liquid amber trees along Newport Avenue have invaded our sewer lines.
The east wall of the church is infested with termites. McNaught Hall and the office wing need a new roof (currently leaking in the hall and kitchen), and the driveway needs to be resurfaced. The plans include a facelift for McNaught Hall with new flooring, fresh paint and better sound. Several years ago, new, energy efficient windows were put in the hall and the office wing, and more improvements are needed.

Worship Space for the 21st Century
We gather as the Body of Christ.

Just as important as the infrastructure needs is the need to remove architectural and ritualistic obstacles isolating us from each other in order to make our sanctuary more welcoming and our worship more connected as we gather at the Table. Skillfully designed and theologically appropriate modifications will enhance our ability to celebrate the Eucharist and make music together. We will be able to accommodate more types of services and community events with simple furniture rearrangements.

Project Costs & Campaign Expenses

The estimated cost for the renovation of the church and other buildings is $715,000. In addition, the fees for the services of the project’s architect, John Miller Architects, AIA of Mountain View, contractor’s fees, city permit fees and expenses due the Episcopal Church Foundation for their help with the capital campaign, total approximately $230,000. This adds up to our total campaign goal: $945,000.