The Need


While our ministries are powerful, our physical inaccessibility impedes our calling. Flights of stairs between every level of our 1960s building are barriers for parishioners, their families and guests, and for those with disabilities. Our inaccessibility also makes us ineligible to host Diocesan or community events and limits our ability to reach others with the love of Christ.


Music is vital to St. Paul’s worship and our spirituality. With some parts of our organ not working at all and others about to fail, a new organ will allow music to continue at St. Paul’s as a fundamental part of our worship and church life. Our choral music program offers a spiritual foundation for many. As St. Augustine noted, “He who sings, prays twice."


St. Paul’s is a center for spiritual formation, renewal, and transformation. Accessible buildings and vital music are critical to tapping God’s power and potential for our future mission and ministry, and will enable us to send even more disciples out into the world.

Through your support of the Faith Without Limits capital campaign, we will accomplish the following:


Place an elevator in the back corner of our Memorial Close, allowing access from the ground parking/office level to the sanctuary level, and to the parish hall for bathroom access and social/educational events. — $170,000

Upgrade bathrooms adjacent to the parish hall/kitchen to be ADA compliant. — $80,000

Upgrade bathrooms on the ground parking/office level to be ADA compliant. — $100,000

ORGAN — $180,000

Purchase a Walker Digital Organ to replace the current organ.
A committee, comprised of choir members and non-choir persons, recommends we purchase an instrument from Walker Digital, which would provide the greatest tonal flexibility for less than half the cost of a new pipe organ. It would also include sound generation not only at the back of the church but also from the front of the church, better supporting congregational singing.


PRIMARY GOAL — $575,000


My reaching our $650,000 challenge goal, we will be able to provide sound system improvements and replace the air conditioning units in the Sunday School classrooms, sanctuary, church office, and parish hall.


Assuming you reach the goal, how will projects be prioritized?


Is the campaign looking for only one-time gifts or are multi-year pledges acceptable?


How will you prioritize the projects, if you don’t raise all the money?


Can you tell us more about the decision to use Walker Digital to build our next organ?