
My Friends,

For almost 160 years, God has graciously blessed St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Starting in 1858, the first generation of Episcopalians in Manhattan began a great project of building a church that would last. Succeeding generations sacrificed to expand: an expanded nave, a common room for gathering, a rectory and an office wing. In recent years, we have upgraded our accessibility and worked to make our education space more welcoming.

But we’ve also seen the effects of an aging building. It is time for us to Honor Our Past while Preparing for the Future. Work has already begun to care for what has been handed to us, that it might continue for another 160 years. There is still so much to be done! Join us!

Fr. Patrick Funston

Make a Pledge

We need your help to reach our goal

Make a Pledge

Campaign Goal $634,000


Campaign Prayer

GOD OF GRACE AND ABUNDANCE, you continually bless us and empower us to do your will in the world. As we gather each week in worship, we give you thanks for the generations of St. Paul’s parishioners who have entrusted us with this building, a home for rest and renewal.

Enliven within us a spirit of gratitude and vision as we care for what we have been given, that coming generations may grow to know and love you through worship and formation in this place. Give us the strength to live abundantly, trusting in your care for us made manifest in the life, death and resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN