The Need

100% of THE MONEY RAISED in the

GOAL 1: $60,000

Modernize our buildings to make our spaces more welcoming, accessible and available to our church family, our guests and the needs of the Grande Ronde Valley community.

Deferred maintenance items on Founder’s Hall:

• Revision of the Remington Room chimney for safety reasons
• New energy efficient windows on the west side of the building
• Repair/resurface the dining room floor
• Upgrade the bathrooms including an ADA accessible bathroom
• ADA accessible ramp/doors into the building

Repair and upgrades to Founder’s Hall will make the hall a safer place for our
summer campers and will increase our ability to serve all of our groups.

GOAL 2: $290,000
Build a new multipurpose building.

Our existing multipurpose building, French Hall, is our main indoor gathering place for summer camp. It has the most capacity of any building on site. French Hall is nearly 90 years old and does not have insulation, making it virtually unusable during the winter months and extremely hot in the summer. The building doesn’t have bathrooms which requires people to walk to Founder’s Hall to use the bathrooms which can be a hindrance for young children and people with mobility challenges.

After extensive discernment and research by the Ascension School Board it was decided that restoration of French Hall was not prudent and building a new multipurpose building was the best plan for the future. French Hall will continue to be used for certain summer camp activities and storage.

The new facility would be a winterized, technology ready, common space, with two bathrooms including an ADA bathroom, coffee bar, stage and storage space under the stage for chairs. The design will allow the outside to come in, with east and west facing windows.

GOAL 3: 50,000
Building of the endowment to provide for future ministry at Ascension.

A key component of the endowment is the provision of a new part time maintenance position. At this time our maintenance work is done primarily by volunteers and contracted work completed on an as needed basis. Ascension School operates on 11 acres and includes 14 buildings. The buildings are aging and it is imperative to have an employee focused on maintenance to continue to care for this grace filled place. The capital campaign will allow us to begin building the endowment, helping us to create sustainable funding for a new maintenance position.

In addition to the $400,000 goal, we have set a challenge goal of $50,000 for building up the broader endowment for future ministries. This will help us move to a more sustainable operating budget.