
Dear Friends,

Exactly 100 years ago, the cornerstone was laid for what would become our beloved church on the hill. Erecting this sacred space was a bold statement of hope in 1920, and our charge to maintain this structure—and to reaffirm that sense of hope—is at the heart of our 2020 Cornerstone Campaign.

During a time when we have, out of love for one another, remained outside the church walls, we have come to cherish our holy space in even deeper ways. While we have demonstrated that the church transcends brick and mortar, this beautiful building remains our spiritual core.

St. John’s will again become a gathering space for our hopes and dreams and prayers. A place to celebrate and mourn, laugh and weep. A place to encounter the risen Christ and find God in one another. We all look forward to this day with hopeful and anticipatory hearts.

In the meantime, I invite you to reflect upon just how much this community—and this sacred space—means to you. This Cornerstone Campaign will serve to renew our church building in ways both structural and spiritual. Hope is in your hands.

The Rev. Tim Schenck, Rector

Make a Pledge

We need your help to reach our goal

Make a Pledge

Campaign Goal $1,000,000


Campaign Prayer

GRACIOUS AND EVER-LOVING GOD, we pray for all members of the household of God, and especially for our Parish of Saint John the Evangelist. We are stewards of our church built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together as a dwelling place of God. Grant to us the wisdom and will to move forward in renewing the building in which we worship where all are welcome. This we pray through the most holy name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

—Written by the Rev. Robert Edson, Rector Emeritus