The Need

The Growing Into Our Future campaign sets us on a path towards expanded programming and outreach, deepened spirituality, and an enhanced commitment to protecting and sharing this blessed place for generations to come. Through the campaign, we will:

Add an Assistant Minister
St. Andrew’s aims to strengthen its already strong base of worship, fellowship, stewardship, and community by adding a ¾-time Assistant Minister for Programs and Outreach. Together, the Rector and Assistant Minister will help us develop additional educational and fellowship programs for members of all ages; create a vibrant ministry for youth and young families; foster membership recruitment, development, and retention; and deepen our faith through service projects and outreach. The campaign will fund 100% at first, with the operational budget phasing in over the next few years until the budget fully funds the position.

Create a Maintenance Fund
A maintenance fund will enable us to be good stewards of our facilities, financing projects authorized by the Vestry and executed under the direction of a buildings and grounds committee. Wherever possible, we will use “green” methods to be good stewards of our environment. This fund will enable us to:

• repair the roof
• maintain stained glass windows and sills
• repair the bell tower
• install a modern, high-efficiency furnace in the rectory
• maintain flooring
• update outside and indoor signs
• alleviate drainage issues in the garth

Enhance the Sanctuary
Through basic modifications in the sanctuary, we will provide a more robust and inclusive worship experience. The campaign will provide a state-of-the-art sound system and improved lighting in the nave and east transept. Also, for those who sit in the meditation room (west transept), we will replace a large post with a thinner one, improving sight lines and seating options.

Improve the Parking Lot
An improved parking lot will enhance safety and access while presenting our church more favorably to newcomers. We will regrade, resurface, and restripe the current lot, adding additional spaces where possible. A sidewalk will be added along the Lafayette Street driveway. Lighting (solar where possible) will be installed. The old asphalt driveway that leads to the Cloister Gallery door will be removed and a “no mow” grass field will be planted, to handle runoff in an ecologically responsible way. The SPUR garden will be retained and street-facing landscaping will be enhanced.

As we move towards our 2024 centennial, the Growing Into Our Future campaign enables us to be good stewards of St. Andrew’s, protecting what we have inherited and moving forward in faith to open our arms more fully to each other, to newcomers, and to the wider world. Please give generously.