
St. John's structures—and the members and guests who use them—need a sense of unity, for all that we do is dependent upon a cooperative and unified community of faith. It is to strengthen this community that we begin this campaign to bring our worship, outreach, and fellowship together Under One Roof.

Make a Pledge

We need your help to reach our goal

Make a Pledge

Campaign Goal $425,000

Challenge Goal $450,000


Campaign Prayer

Loving Triune Giver of all we are, and see, and hold: inspire us, through your Spirit, to imitate your boundless bounty in ways that respect the circumstances of each of us.

For we know that it is the intention of our hearts that you measure. The widow’s mite and Joseph of Arimathea’s prepared tomb were gifts to the temple and to Jesus.

Unlike in value, they were equally radical offerings made in absolute trust.

Teach us anew that a few loaves and fishes can transform a meal into a feast to feed the members of God’s kingdom in this time and place.

Give us the courage to share from both our paucity and our plenty in the certain knowledge that you can transform us and our gifts into more than we could ever imagine. Amen.