The Need

With Sweet Spirit, we undertake this capital campaign, transforming and renewing the Church of the Ascension. We will provide a more welcoming, safe, and beautiful environment in which present and future generations of parishioners may serve God, grow in faith, and be empowered for Christian ministry, fellowship, and outreach.

Through this campaign, we are empowering the strength of our stewardship, committing ourselves to providing increased all-weather comfort with the installation of a new HVAC system, a newly repaired roof that will keep us warm and dry for years to come, and responsible management of campaign and construction expenses.

A New HVAC System
After years of worshiping in the parish hall during the stifling heat of summer, we are going to air-condition our beautiful Anglican sanctuary. This improvement will allow newcomers, summer programs, community events, wedding parties and any other warm-weather event to fully experience our joyful vibrant parish all year round.

Installing a comprehensive HVAC system will improve air flow and maintain comfortable temperatures in the winter and summer months, especially in the downstairs Sunday school classrooms, the parlor, and the multi-media choir room.

A Repaired Roof

Roof leakage has been a constant challenge, and caused damage to the outside walls, floors and carpets, and prevents ministries from taking place in areas where there is residual dampness, mold, and mildew. While a complete replacement of the roof may not be necessary (pending further study), there are significant sections that require repair or replacement. Interior water damage will be repaired and new gutters and downspouts installed.

We have obtained estimates for these specific projects to be completed, and have factored in the cost of administration and consultancy fees in conducting the campaign with added contingencies to account for the delay between now and when we have available funds to begin the work.


Who can I contact to talk about the Capital Campaign?


Where can I find out more information about Ascension's services and activities?